I have Bipolar 2 disorder

My moods change more often than the seasons and with my moods my energy levels change also. I’m either too up or too down and sometimes in between. When I’m down I cannot just snap out of it and make it go. I can barely pull myself out of bed and into the shower. Being around people is just too hard and I isolate myself. I don’t always feel sad. Sometimes I don’t feel anything at all. It may seem like I’m giving up but this is when I’m fighting the hardest just to stay alive.

When I’m up life is wonderful! Nothing can go wrong and I’ve all the energy in the world. I want to go out, I want to DO, I want to accomplish. I’m confident, I talk too fast and too much and think too fast. And it bothers me when those around me can’t keep up. Sometimes I get irritable and snappy, I want things to be done my way. I want everything to be done at once, I’m impulsive. I like being up more than being down but I’m down much more often.

The hardest part of this disorder is that I never know when my mood will change. It's a rollercoaster and it’s exhausting to ride a rollercoaster every single day of your life. I hide what I’m going through in order to make people feel more comfortable around me, and I’m tired of it.
I did not ask for this disorder, I fight it every day. 
I am stronger then you know!


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