

I’m not English born or native speaker so my English grammar sucks. Sometimes I use swear words in my writing as I spent a lot of times with English people and they tend to swear a lot so I catch bad habits. I know it’s not nice but oh well who give a fuck. If you feel insulted by my swearing DON’T READ this Blog any further!

Why I call myself Adrenaline Junkie?

I like excitement, danger, adventure, everything that can spike up my adrenaline rush. I get bored very easy so I always look for some excitement to get me out of boredom. So writing this Blog probably is a way to get me out of boredom. I have no idea until when I will keep up with this Blog. But probably until I get bored of it and move on to the next project. I'm not afraid to show the world who I really am. I'm not embarrassed or ashamed of my flaws. Some people will like me some will hate me. Do I care? Absolutely Not!

Special People

Hi fellow Special People!  I'm an adrenaline junkie and like many of you I’m a special person as well.  When I was 19 I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD, Bipolar 2 and OCD. In my 20’s I’ve been from doctor to doctor and all had some other opinion about my condition. I think I took almost every medication that was available on the market. From Adderall to Benzos to Anti depressants to Mood stabilizers. Did all these meds helped? Well some did but most of them did not. I’ve been to many types of Psychotherapies as well including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and even Hypnotherapy. After this long bumpy road I finally came to the conclusion that I’ve been misdiagnosed in many occasions and wrongly medicated and I do not think now that I have ADHD. But I do have lot of similar symptoms. This Blog is dedicated to people with similar conditions so to all fellow ADHDers, Bipolars, OCDers and all others.  I call you all Special People. Because Yes You Are Special. We think different,

Bipolar 2 is different than regular Bipolar

For people that do not know Bipolar 2 is not the “full blown Mania” Bipolar version but the “lighter” version with less intense elevated moods called Hypomania followed by “normal” stable moods or severe depression. Bipolar 2 people do not have Manic episodes. The Hypomania episodes comes with increased energy, hyperactivity and a decreased need for sleep. They are very similar to the Hyperactivity in people with ADHD. So I can relate well with ADHDers as I understand very well their restlessness and hyperactivity as well their changing moods. We share most of the same symptoms. That's why many times people with Bipolar 2 can get misdiagnosed for ADHD or vice versa. This can have big consequences related to prescribed medication. Therefore it's always important to have a second and/or third opinion about your diagnoses.


Scientists have long recognized that many mental disorders tend to run in families so suggesting potential genetic roots. I agree that this might be true in many cases. In my case I reckon that in my family we have many family members with “issues”. I'm only child father side and grew up with no love or attention of a mother; she was kind of non-existent and actually still is. I remember I spent most of my childhood craving for her love and attention but did not get any. My mother did never gave me any affection or showed any interest in my activities. She never attended school reunions, graduations, sport activities, birthdays or anything else important in my life. The only times she showed some interest or worry is when I was sick or in hospital or when I did something erratic or wild. But this had more to do with keeping face towards others. Thank God I have a dad that has always been there for me. My dad was the one that filled my mother’s absence in every aspect. He is the m

I have Bipolar 2 disorder

My moods change more often than the seasons and with my moods my energy levels change also. I’m either too up or too down and sometimes in between. When I’m down I cannot just snap out of it and make it go. I can barely pull myself out of bed and into the shower. Being around people is just too hard and I isolate myself. I don’t always feel sad. Sometimes I don’t feel anything at all. It may seem like I’m giving up but this is when I’m fighting the hardest just to stay alive. When I’m up life is wonderful! Nothing can go wrong and I’ve all the energy in the world. I want to go out, I want to DO, I want to accomplish. I’m confident, I talk too fast and too much and think too fast. And it bothers me when those around me can’t keep up. Sometimes I get irritable and snappy, I want things to be done my way. I want everything to be done at once, I’m impulsive. I like being up more than being down but I’m down much more often. The hardest part of this disorder is that I never know when

Hypomania is nice but it usually ends in a big crash hangover

Right, obviously I was in hypomania mood when I start writing this Blog. Probably I still am but I’m kind of rapid cycling back and forth between hypomania, normal and depression. When I’m in hypomania my brain goes 100 miles per hour and I’m very productive and creative. For work this is great as I get things done very easy and can focus. I can absorb myself for hours into an activity. My focus is heightened, creativity is high and ideas flow easily. You can compare it to the hyperfocus in people with ADHD. Similar but not quite the same as hypomania is a more elevated mood. With hypomania I can operate at an extremely high level of energy, excitement and creativity for days, weeks and sometimes months at a time. I can become so absorbed in work or an activity that I can become kind of distraction proof. I sleep less, eat less but have more energy. I even have times that I get up in the middle of the night or pull over in traffic to write down some idea. However hypomania usuall

Active Childhood

When I was little I looked up to my dad a lot, I would follow him everywhere and would get very upset when he was not around. My dad was a mechanical engineer and a technical school teacher. He had as well a garage where they repair cars and other machinery. After school I would spend most of my time at his garage observing everything he was doing and would follow him around. I was always very curious and interested in his work. So around the age of 8 when he was fixing some lawn mowers he looked at me and asked me if I want to learn. I jumped up with excitement and got a small lawn mower shoved in my hands. He told me if I was able to take it apart and put it back together he will teach me more things. With time and as I grew older I moved from repairing land mowers to cars. Around the age of 12 I was already an all around at my dad’s garage and I would spend most of the summers and after school helping out there. From very little I got interested in sports and hobbies that would

Difference Bipolar and ADHD disorder

It’s sometimes difficult to differentiate Bipolar from ADHD disorder. These two conditions are often hard to distinguish because they share several symptoms including: ·        Mood instability ·        Outbursts ·        Restlessness ·        Talkativeness ·        Impatience ADHD is characterized primarily by inattention, distractibility, impulsivity or physical restlessness. Bipolar disorder causes exaggerated shifts in mood, energy, thinking and behavior from manic highs to extreme depressive lows. While Bipolar is primarily a mood disorder, ADHD affects attention and behavior. Differences There are many distinct differences between ADHD and Bipolar but they are subtle and may go unnoticed. ADHD is a lifelong condition while Bipolar tends to develop later in life. ADHD is chronic while Bipolar is usually episodic and can remain hidden for periods between outbursts. ADHD people tend to be unnerved by sensory over stimulation like transitions from one activity to

Romantic Love Relationships

According to Wikipedia Romance  is the expressive and pleasurable feeling from an emotional attraction towards another person. This feeling is often associated with sexual attraction. In the context of Romantic Love Relationships , romance usually implies an expression of ones strong romantic love or ones deep and strong emotional desires to connect with another person intimately or romantically. I had three romantic love relationships aka boyfriends in my live. These where long lasting relationships. The curious thing was that all three where ADHDers. They say that when it comes to mental health, like attracts like. It seems like we're more likely to be attracted to people who resemble us in some characteristic or another. Wherever that may be true I do not know. But I did not consciously choose for a boyfriend that had a mental issue; it just happened this way in all three occasions. I got my first boyfriend when I was 17. Most of my friends where already in a love relations